New Search and Filter Functionality

I just modified our recipes page filters to include a few improvements: - Selected filters will now appear at the top of the list so they no longer get hidden outside of the viewable area - The available filters will pare down to only filters available based on the items currently filtered. This should prevent the possible of applying conflicting filters that return 0 results.

In addition to that I modified our search results to also use our filter page so now you can pare down your search results with filters just as you would from the Recipes page.

Please let us know if you encounter any issues with the new features, or any features. We would also appreciate any feedback on what you like/dislike about the site.

Printer Friendly

In addition to these changes we added a printer friendly version of our recipes. You can find the 'printer friendly' button right above the recipe title. It will navigate you to a new page with all colors and styles removed for a printer friendly layout.